How to Create a Virus for HACK a Computer
Hello Guys After a Long Time i am Posting on my Blog but from now i am Try to post regularly. So Guys today's topic is how to make a simple METASPLOIT payload using MSFVENOM in this article you will learn that how to make a simple Payload for HACKING WINDOWS i am telling you for both 32bit(x86) and 64bit(x64).So guys keep with me because these are the very basic steps for making a viruses in Future i will also post on how to make fully undectable Paylods that can bypass any antiviruses and firewall. NOTE:All commands is between 4 asterisks like this **commands** Some Basic things before you start -: 1 --> Computer (obviously) 2 --> Kali Linux Operating System 3 --> Virtual Environment ex- VMware,VMplayer or you can also make your USB PERSISTENCE (if you want to know how to do that please comment below i can post article on that) 4 --> Some Social Engineering tricks for hacking a Victim (-; 5 --> Brain :D -------Let's Go for it--------...